Successful Family Law Case Victories by Attorney Joshua Barreda
Below is a Small Sampling of our Case Victories that Family Law Attorney Joshua Barreda has achieved.
Case: FN2020-094389 – Fisher v. Fisher, Represented Plaintiff in Order of Protection Matter. Judge Davison upheld the Order after Final Trial in client’s favor.
Case: FC2018-051641 – Ahrens v. Ahrens, Represented Father in Contempt Action. Judge Ryan-Touhill found Mother in Contempt of Court for Willfully Alienating Father’s son from him. The Court Ordered Mother to pay all of Father’ Attorney’s Fees and Costs after Final Trial.
Case: FC2014-000912 – Carrasco v. Snow, Represented Mother in Modification Matter. Judge Blair found significant acts of domestic violence were perpetrated by Father against Mother. Judge Blair Ordered Mother to have Sole Legal Decision-Making and Ordered Father have parenting time four (4) days a month.
Case: FC2018-091976 – Crockett v. Jean, Represented Father in High Asset Dissolution Matter. Settled the Matter in its entirety without ever attending one court appearance.
Case: FC2012-005536 – Valenzuela v. Sidello, Represented Father in contested modification action for legal decision-making, parenting time, and child support. Judge Blaney granted Father’s Warrant to take physical custody of his son due to Mother withholding his son from him for nearly four years.
Case: FC2018-003020 – Asota v. Sanborn, Represented Father in Establishment Matter, Judge Astrowsky found Mother’s actions to be unreasonable and Ordered Mother pay Father’s reasonable attorney’s fees and costs upon completion of final trial. Father was awarded joint legal decision-making and equal parenting time.
Case: Department of Child Safety Grandparents Rights Matter – Represented Grandparents in DCS Case. Judge Flores granted our motion to intervene into the case and thereafter Granted our Motion to Change Physical Custody of the Children to the Grandparents Care. The Grandparents Adopted the Children.
Case: FC2018-001159 – Provax v. Wahlers, Represented Mother in Establishment Matter, Judge Beresky Ordered Mother have Final Decision-Making Authority and Child Support Arrears Assessed against Father.
Case: FC2019-003742 – Cooper v. Benton, Represented Mother in Establishment Matter, Judge Beresky Ordered Mother have Final Decision-Making Authority and where Father received every other weekend parenting time due to the significant domestic violence.
Case: FN2018-001757 – Chambers v. Chambers, Represented Wife in Uncontested Divorce Matter. Finalized entire divorce in a little over two (2) months as required by law.
Case: FC2017-008077 – Gonzalez v. Gonzalez, Represented Mother in Contested Divorce Matter. Judge Minder Ordered Mother receive Spousal Maintenance (alimony) for a period greater than five (5) years.
DCS Severance Action - Represented Mother in Private Severance of Parental Rights Action for the Biological Father. Judge Harmon granted the Petition and Mother’s Husband adopted her Son.
* Disclaimer: Victories are unique to each case and do not guarantee similar results in other cases.